Sunday, May 10, 2009

Ernesto Olguin

Ancud, Isla Grande De Chiloe, Chile

Ernesto Olguin was at the Honolulu Conference. Although he wasn't an embassader, was there with the government of Chile. He told me that the conference was much of a conference but it was rather an ambush. It took place on a naval carrier. When the conference start each embassader introduced them selves, then they start buisness. An American Embassader was the first one to say what actions should be taken for the zombie war. He said that we should try to take back the infected areas and kill the zombies. This started a riot. It seem like most people didn't to do anything. They wanted to wait for the zombies to decay. The conference bursted with anger. Then the president of the US went told everyone why they should attack the zombies. He dismissed every and call them back for a vote.

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