Sunday, May 10, 2009

Ernesto Olguin

Ancud, Isla Grande De Chiloe, Chile

Ernesto Olguin was at the Honolulu Conference. Although he wasn't an embassader, was there with the government of Chile. He told me that the conference was much of a conference but it was rather an ambush. It took place on a naval carrier. When the conference start each embassader introduced them selves, then they start buisness. An American Embassader was the first one to say what actions should be taken for the zombie war. He said that we should try to take back the infected areas and kill the zombies. This started a riot. It seem like most people didn't to do anything. They wanted to wait for the zombies to decay. The conference bursted with anger. Then the president of the US went told everyone why they should attack the zombies. He dismissed every and call them back for a vote.

Sunday, May 3, 2009

David Allen Forbes

Province of Bohemia, The European Union

David Allen Forbes was a british man. He told me many stories of people trying to survivor the war in castles. People would just become so depressed and give up. There were also stories of illness and the amazing stupid stuff people would do in hope that it would free them from the war. He told me about his experience in a castle. He says it saved his life. He lived in Windsor during the war. It was the biggest castle in the United Kingdom. They best part about this castle was that it had a clean water source and a source of natural gas which supplied the people with heat. I think the castles saved many peoples live but why didn't people leave the castles in the winter and go to a safer place?

Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Colonel Christina Eliopolis

Parnell Air National Guard Base, Tennessee
Colonel Christina Eliopolis started her military career in the air force. She became on of the few flew fighting jets and was very proud of her self for accomplishing that. But as the zombie war progress, main after Yonkers, there was no use for fighter jets. She was no longer use full for her fighting skills but was used to fly supplies. So she found her self flying from Phoenix to Florida when her plan soundly went down. Luckily for her she was in the bath room when it went down and was one of the two to survive the crash. Once on the ground she was somewhere in Louisiana and in deep swamps. She tried to get to the other survive but by the time she got to him he was being eating by zombies. A voice came over her radio. It was a Skywatcher. The skywatcher took her through her whole time alone. Once Colonel Christina Eliopolis was rescued she tried to find this skywatcher and thank her for saving her life. But according to records she didn't exist.

Sunday, April 26, 2009

Bohdan Taras Kondratuik

Yevchenko Veterans' Sanatorium, Odessa, Ukraine

Bohdan Taras Kondratuik was a World War Z veteran. He had seen it all. He was posted on a bridge on the outside of a recently taken over town. He was ordered to check the evacuees for infection before they crossed. His men were not trained for these kind of actions. They usually use dogs to sniff out the infected but he was forced to check them with out the help of dogs. There was no way that this was going to be successful. The people were rioting and going crazy. Then a group of fighter jets came flying low over the Bridge. Bohdan thought they were going to bomb the bridge so he told everyone to run. He got into a tank so save him self and his men. Turns out that the plans dropped poisons on the people. They all died. Then the ones that were infected began to rise. Bohdan Taras Kondratuik then order them to be shot. Do you think this was right to kill the innocent to find the infected.

Friday, April 24, 2009

Todd Wainio

Denver, Colorado, USA

Todd Wainio was a veteran of the Vietnam War, he was in New York at the time of the Panic. The US military decided it was there turn to try to eradicate the zombies in the city. They set up a road block on one of the highways leaving the city. They had the city evacuated and as the people where leaving the zombies were following. This worked great because it brought the zombies right to the forces. Once all the people were out, the fun began, or so it seemed. The first line of defence was heave artillery and that worked beautiful but once it was a man vs. zombie battle there was no hope. The soldiers didn't know how to kill them. Todd seem like this was the main reason the battle went how it did. You think that they would first capture some zombies and find the best was to kill them. Then have every man train for kill the infected. The saddest part about this upset is that it was all captured by reporters and news companies. This was suppose to show that the American shouldn't have to worry about the infection any more, but left them even more scared.

Thursday, April 23, 2009

Ahmed Farahnakian

Ice City, Greenland

Ahmed Farahnakian currently lives in Ice City, Greenland, which is a city beneath a thick layer of ice, but during the Great Panic he lived in India. India had always been enemies with Pakistan, and you would think when the Panic accorded the would come together to help stop the infection. But surprisingly, the panic started a war. The Pakistanis were fleeing there country and crossing the border into India. The Indian government could barely control there infection problem. So the Indian tried to stop the border crossing, but when this happened the Pakistani government attacked the Indian border. Why would a country with a problem just push it on to another? Its most likely that that country will push the problem back to them.

Sunday, April 19, 2009